Audi celebrity car

Neymar new car Audi R8

Brazilian participant, Neymar da Silva was patterned dynamical around in his pedagogue Audi R8 Spyder. Earlier this year, France Sport stratified Neymar as 7th in its move of the class's richest footballers so we're guessing this probably isn't his exclusive move! Love you patterned Neymar in anything else?
Neymar de Silva Celebcar Audi R8

New car Audi R8 Chris Brown

Chris Brown posted a ikon of his new Audi R8 Spyder on Instagram inalterable period but this hebdomad he was actually spotted driving it around Hollywood. What do you judge he'll do to produce this one??
Chris Brown Celebcar Audi R8

That's good, vindicatory after we made a notice nearly Chris Brown needing a bigger garage, he goes and buys two many cars - two rattling real respectable cars. Chris posted these photos on his Instagram of a new Lamborghini Aventador and an Audi R8 Spyder. Two good rides, we're right not certain where he's achievement to put them with a garage same this.
Chris Brown Celebcar Audi R8
Chris Brown Celebcar Audi R8