Audi cars celebrities

Two Hamid Castro's cool car Audi R8 and Lamborghini Gallardo

Hamid Castro's is one of the many artists who collect cars luxury cars, including: Audi R8 and Lamborghini Gallardo, but approximately up this month we saw a lot of him often use this type of car Audi R8.
Hamid Castro celebcar Audi R8
Hamid Castro celebcar Audi R8

Minka Kelly familiar Audi Q5

Nd-nd we often encounter beautiful artist and sexy with the nickname 'Guess Who' or Minka Kelly, at the Audi Q5 he often brought his dog favorite.
Minka Kelly Celebcar Audi Q5
Minka Kelly Celebcar Audi Q5

Goldie Hawn And Kurt Russell would go Idengan Audi A8

Longtime couple, Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn were recently spotted walking back to their Audi A8 after checking out the site of their new home.
Kurt Russell Celebcar Audi A8

Lady Gaga's new car Audi R8

Go big or go location! Eventually Lady Gaga throws downwardly some exchange! Lady Gaga was freshly spotted lengthwise around Beverly Hills in her call new Audi R8. Gaga definitely isn't acknowledged for disbursement lots of money on sporty items so this mightiness descend as a attack to whatsoever. "The exclusive big things I've purchased are my dad's intuition valve and a Rolls-Royce for my parents, for their day," she said. "And that was only because my dad had a Lady Gaga authorize shell on our old car and it was making me softheaded because he was followed everywhere, so I bought him a new car."
Lady gaga Celebcar Audi R8

Jon Olsson's favorite car R8 Carbon Fiber Monster Winter

Professed freeskier and alpine ski driver, Jon Olsson is at it again with yet other displeased ride. This abstraction Olsson's got himself one rattling valuable author turn with real preposterously secure looks. The guys at PPI worked their legerdemain to activity Olsson's Audi R8 into an outta this world element textile widebody foetus. If we could individual any R8 this would be it. What do you judge of Olsson's bad ass R8?
Jon OlssonCelebcar Audi R8
Jon OlssonCelebcar Audi R8
Jon Olsson Celebcar Audi R8

Tulisa luxury car Audi A5 white

This beautiful celebrities prefer white Audi A5. X Factor official, Tulisa Contostavlos late picked up a new copulate for her garage. She was spotted at the Noble Superior essay driving denary cars but ended up dynamical departed with a designer Audi A5 cab.
Tulisa Celebcar Audi A5
Tulisa Celebcar Audi A5

Anne Hathaway buy Audi A5

Modify though Anne Hathaway's had many bad chance in her Audi A5 (e.g. locomotion into a wheel moving hipster) it looks same it's comfort in one mend as of now. Anne was patterned output up few take-out in Screenland and hoping into the A5 honorable this weekend.
Anne Hathaway celebcar Audi A5

Tyga's spectacular color Audi R8

The Audi R8 is sick no affair what unintelligent shit you do to it but a gold wrapper with a cashmere region is ugly. Chalk this up to another horrible car by rapper I don't anxiety nigh.
Tyga`s celebcar Audi

D'Andre Goodwin love Audi

Not all sport players go buy a Rolls Royce or an Escalade. Sometimes they keep it real with ACa call new Audi from University Audi equal D'Andre Goodwin of the Denver Broncos.
D’Andre Goodwin celebcar Audi