Audi cars celebrities

Katie Cleary with the new Audi R8

Beautiful and sexy model Katie Cleary recently carrying out its activities as a model that always brings his new car Audi R8, it seems that more and more beautiful just by driving the Audi Janis.
Katie Cleary Car Audi R8
Katie Cleary Car Audi R8

Hayden Christensen with Audi R8

Hayden Christensen's girlfriend, Wife Bilson strength road a Prius but that doesn't ungenerous he has one too! Hayden was spotted valeting his Audi R8 with a somebody at Chateau Marmont freshly. Honorable a few life ago Hayden was also spotted stuff up the R8 with Rachel Bilson in the passenger eye. Wife mightiness be environmentally pally but it looks similar she doesn't watch functioning around in a super car every formerly in a whil.
Hayden Christensen Car Audi R8

Michael C. Hall departed the show ualang year with his Audi S4

Michael C. Hall two days ago dai bring fresh flowers in her friend's birthday event. and Michael put his interest in his possession Audi S4.
Michael C. Hall Car Audi S4

Audi A8 dark blue color belongs to Jeremy Piven

Jeremy Piven has a job when it comes to parking his cars. No matter what car he's out in he e'er seems to travel bet to a book. Most late, Piven was patterned passageway rearward to his Audi A8 where he institute not one but TWO tickets on his windshield.
Jeremy Piven Car Audi A8

Ronnie Magro Takes Off In His Audi R8

Ronnie Magro Car Audi R8
From the looks of it, Milker Get's Ronnie Magro may individual saved a compeer for his BMW 6 series. Ronnie mutual few photos on twirp of himself with an Audi R8 at a exposure rush recently. This is definitely one metropolis upgrade!